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ACS Athens Global News

Tom's illustrious career and dedication to the ACS Athens community make him an exemplary role model

Celebrated Journalist and Committed Alumnus Returns for the first time to his Alma Mater to Share His Journey and Inspire the Class of 2024 More...

Aspiring actors, writers, directors, producers, crew members, or anyone dreaming of a career in Hollywood, your golden o… More...

Fostering Collaboration and Support Among Alumni Entrepreneurs More...

Curator Transforming Her Passion for Art into Opportunities for Others More...

An Evening of Reconnections and Fond Memories More...

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Career & Networking

The Entrepreneurs Group is designed to empower and support alumni in their business ventures.

Fostering Collaboration and Support Among Alumni Entrepreneurs More...

Alumna Ariel White-Tsimikalis is hosting the London gathering for alumni on April 27, 2024

Find Out What ACS Athens Means to Her and Why She is Excited to Host the London Gathering on April 27th More...

Thank you to all the alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends of ACS Athens!

Alumni Joined Parents and Friends of ACS Athens to Offer Students a Flavor Careers They Can Consider As They Chart Their Path to Studies and Jobs Afte… More...

ACS Athens News

To help our alumni stay connected with our wonderful alma mater, ACS Athens, we are providing news about ACS Athens relative to our community. We will showcase the latest sports and education news in order to help you stay connected.

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